Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bare Naked Luminance

Courtesy of image #/882170
ecrets rest in furious silence, like car keys lost atop the center of your kitchen counter.
While in the broad daylight of your own being, the heart's deepest revelations await:

Wearing nothing but their own bare naked luminance.

How in God's name did I ever walk past you a million times?

copyright 2014 - Whispering Bird



craniosacral columbus said...

Beautiful poem...

May I post this on my blog? Who is the author?

Unknown said...

Feel free to post on your blog. I would be honored. Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to write.

Anonymous said...

i followed suit and posted it on my FB, as i would like, the others that have sprung from u, giving u credit. hope u dont mind. thanks gabriele

Unknown said...

Please share till your heart's content