Sunday, February 16, 2014

One Nest. Many Lives.

I came home today
to a cacophony of warbling
from atop my East porch

I looked through the glass in the door-frame and saw - not one - but three wildly chirping little beaks stretching up out of their nest.  

All I could hear was 
their ache to be 
as they were;
helpless and unknowing.
With all their might.

And the mother bird
took a moment from
feeding her babies.

And shot me a look.
As if it say

"My babies aren't helpless 
and unknowing!" 

"They sure as hell know
that they're hungry!"

"And they sure as hell
have the will to  stand up and 
say something about it."

Such a thundering point
from so small a bird.

I went and got
my spouse to come look.
There wasn't just one life
within the nest but three.  
How did I miss that?

She looked down upon
the stone floor of the East porch
and said

"There's going to be
an awful lot of bird
crap to clean up here."

                                                             copyright 2013, 2014 - WhisperingBird

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