Sunday, January 13, 2013

Through the Lion's Belly

The core of
my pain and terror
cried out

And though the
yearning to heed it
was a calling of agony,

I couldn't bear
the unrelenting
of my existence
another day.

Every step I took toward
the center, felt like
I was surrendering
myself into the gaping jaws
of a hungry Lion.

Until I gave myself
to the heart it

the world within
and the world without

was a frightening cacophony
of ear shattering dissonance.

Until I gave myself 
to the heart of it
I had no idea
that the beast within
was rebirthing - not devouring - me

copyright 2012,2013 WhisperingBird


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my issac. this one catches me like no other. c