the perfect personification
of what is unacceptable
in the self; a mirror reflection of what is vilified and shunned - even loathed and detested within.
A conscious relationship with
the enemy can be a blessing;
an opportunity
to enter relationally into,
and touch, and heal,
what is deeply separated
in one's own being.
Through the enemy, one
can encounter meaningfully
is made legitimate;
all the justifications
that make it somehow right.
And all the rationalizations
around why the enemy/self
is a proper and deserving
object to punish with impunity.
Through a conscious relationship,
with the enemy-self
more motive realities driving the hatred
can emerge in the awareness.
And one may discover that
it isn't anything the so called
enemy is or does;
but rather the unconscious terror
and rage within that aches
for a bonafide target
to safely vent itself upon -
while maintaining
the facade of
the innocent victim.
Through the dynamic of the enemy-self
the true aftermath of fighting
can be experienced; the place
where the enemy is defeated
heart of an empty victory;
In the aftermath,
one can sense
something vital lost in
the heart, soul, and conscience
of the “me winner”;
and one can mourn
in the too-latedness of it all
for the love within
that turned out
to be the first worst
casualty of the war.
Perhaps the love within
was the true target
of the inner rage and terror
all along;
inner self destruction
through destruction
of the other.
Perhaps the love within
was the true target
of the inner rage and terror
all along;
inner self destruction
through destruction
of the other.
One can also grieve for
one's own sense of a lost humanity
and reach through all of the
broken-hearted regret
to touch the soul of
the enemy still jailed
within - long after the
externalized form
of the enemy is gone.
The enemy is a messenger -
and a blessing - that the self
chooses or creates -
to help materialize
to help materialize
one's own self hatred
as a relational experience;
for the purpose of making
deeper inner peace - and
peace with the externalized
form of one's own
Thank you my dearest
enemy for being my very
best friend.
Forgive me
Forgive me
for how I've treated you
and for all the ways I never
and for all the ways I never
saw you
Thank you
Thank you
for helping me to see
and experience what I had
disowned within me.
I don't think I could have
ever walked this path of healing
if it hadn't been
for your intervention.
Peace with the other
through Peace with the self
World Peace
Through Inner Peace
Peace with the other
through Peace with the self
World Peace
Through Inner Peace
May you be blessed
with love, light, and peace;
within and without;
all your days.
1 comment:
Beautiful statement of the power of composting what we experience as pain into that which nourishes us to grow straight, strong and tall.
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